The goal of joining the Greenbook Academy as an instructor for best practices for families with children on the autism spectrum and other terminal illness conditions could not have come at a better time. Especially as more families and autism specialists reach out to me to consult on family law cases and autism crisis therapy interventions.
The lack of reliable guidance continues to be a challenge for families for the following reasons: despite their best efforts, most advocates:
- Do not understand the dynamics of our homes.
- Are unaware of the federally funded services we receive
- Do not understand they’re still families who are not CBD/cannabis savvy to know what the typical side effects of this treatment option are. As parents of children on the autism spectrum, we know all side effects are not the same or familiar. Side effects could land a family in the emergency department.
- Product referrals should always come with a well-thought-out plan and protocol.
- All minors, despite adult-use states, need a doctor's recommendation.
Mieko: In 2022, I’m still receiving the same emails with the exact same “need” for guidance.
From: Autism Parent
To: Mieko Perez
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2022, 7:21 AM
To: Mieko Perez
Subject: Medical Support
My son is 6, diagnosed with Autism, and showing signs of severe OCD that seem to be worsening. I researched as I always do and found an article that linked me to your website. I was hoping to find a resource or a recommendation from a doctor in our area to see if my son would be a candidate for cannabis-based therapy. I appreciate any information you’re able to provide.
Jake’s Mom (Harlem, New York)
From: Autism Parent
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2022, 11:09 AM
To: Mieko Perez
Subject: Autism advice
I reached out to you on Instagram about 4 weeks ago. You asked me to email you. I would like your input and advice regarding MMJ and CBD for autism. My daughter has severe autism and is prescribed MMJ. I saw you are associated with a group in Israel that has done much research with positive results.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Danny’s Dad (Brooklyn, New York)
From: Autism Parent
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022, 11:09 AM
To: Mieko Perez
Subject: Autism advice
I hope you're doing well.
Dana’s mom provided me with your email address.
I am currently looking for autism and cannabis guidance in Upstate New York, do you operate here?

Mieko: The difference guidance makes for an entire family.
Diagnosis: Autism Spectrum Disorder
Conservatorship: Parents
Consumer: lives at home
Consumer: Male
Age: 27 years old
- Aggressive Behavior
- Violent Outbursts
- Anxiety
- Parents state they can’t leave home without experiencing extreme behaviors and OCD symptoms.
Initial consult: March 2022
Family’s goal: For the consumer’s mom to visit her family in Mexico and leave her son home with his dad.
Family Update August 2022 | Email via consumer's parents
Hi Ms. Perez,
Thank you for your follow-up call on Friday.
We started using the THC/CBD protocol in March of this year. We started slow but ramped up to the recommended dosage rather quickly. We have seen amazing results.
We started your protocol to address episodes of extreme aggression to the point we (mother and father) were beginning to experience permanent injuries and emotional trauma. For almost two decades, we could not go anywhere with our son for fear of aggression to us or others.
Soon after we started the protocol, the aggression mostly disappeared, and our son was starting to become more social and verbal. Now that we are four months into the protocol, there is no aggression, and we had our first miracle.
One day recently, my son said that he wanted to go to the mall to buy a "Reuben [sandwich]." I felt that he was doing well enough that it was worth taking a chance. I have not been out in public with him for at least 17 years because of the aggression and its unpredictability. We drove to the mall, and he told me where to park.
He exited the van, and we took a walk through the mall. He was so happy. I tried to show happiness, but inside I was nervous. The mall near our home is very large with many stores and places to eat.
We walked to the far side of the mall where the Cinnabon store is. He had not been to the mall since he was a small child, yet he remembered where the Cinnabon store was. He said he wanted a Cinnabon, so I bought him one.
I was nervous and wanted to go home, but he wanted to eat his Cinnabon. We walked to the food court, and he devoured his Cinnabon. He was the happiest I have seen him in years. It dawned on me that this was the miracle I had been waiting for.
I have been hoping for such a moment with my son for years, and I finally had it. I held the tears until we got home. We have been to the mall for a Cinnabon many times since, and he continues to do really well.
To say thank you to you for helping us is not enough but thank you. Thank you for our miracle. We have our son back, and it is beyond wonderful.
D. Lopez ( Southern California)
Mieko’s perspective
During our initial consultation, we discussed their child’s educational setting, daily activities, and common triggers that resulted in a violent outburst. The goal was to reduce these behaviors and re-direct their son with the assistance of cannabis while charting mood changes that result in physical harm to himself or his parents.
The goal is to provide realistic expectations on how cannabis can contribute to assisting their son, which means building a protocol based on what goes on in their home – so, these changes per family it’s no mystery or hidden intellectual property I have in a magic hat…
it’s listening while families speak and including siblings and family members in the home to build a “family plan”. This type of “call to action” in the home will be one of the most effective ways not to exclude those who may provide input parents otherwise may not see, and at the same time instill that famous quote , “I am brother’s keeper” foundation.

I encourage families, caregivers, and medical professionals to sign up for Greenbook Academy’s Best Practices curriculum, a course designated to empower 1 out of 17 homes in America to choose cannabis/ and or CBD as a treatment option. | Bio and credentials | Cannabis & Autism blogs | Trusted and Recommended By Physicians