Growing healthy marijuana plants indoors can be both rewarding and challenging at times. We provided a few essential tips for a successful harvest. The following guidelines will be very helpful to beginner gardeners and allow your plants should thrive in your artificial environment, eventually giving back all the love.

1. DO NOT Tell People. You can and will be extremely proud of your accomplishments as you successfully harvest your homegrown cannabis. Protect your investment.

2. Keep Everything Clean. This means you too! Your tools, your floors, your walls, everything. It pays when there are no bugs, diseases, or an environmentfo themto spread. This is truly unde-rated wash you haands upon entry everyday.

3. Grow from quality seeds or clones—your final product is 90% dependent on genetics.

4. Develop A Quality Soil. When you begin your garden, develop a soil mix that works well for you. Start with just Miracle-Grow Potting Soil if you wish. The pH balance should hover around 6.5 for most cannabis plants. Here is a custom soil blend that offers initial nutrients and is pH blalnced to provide maximum growth potential (consider using this as a starting point for creating your marijuana grown medium):

50% Miracle Grown or similar potting soil

20 % Bat Guano - high phosphate fertilizer

10% Organic Seafood Fertilizer

10% Perlite - added to your potting soil

5 % Sand (optional)

5 % Oragnic Mix - roots, bark, etc.

Once you have arrived at your soil choice, be sure to use the same formula for all your seeds, seedlings, and final tansplanting. This mixture will provide minimal stress and shock to the plants while proving everything they need for a healthy existence.

5. DO NOT Over Water (most common mistake). Too much water can kill young cannabis plants. Following germination, allow the surface to get crusty. Stick your finger 3-4 inches under the soil, if no moisture, then water thoroughly. Sink water should sit open for at least 24 hours to allow the chlorine concentration to lessen.

6. DO NOT Over Fertilize (2nd most common mistake). If your soil contains specific nutrients, do not add more of these to your watering schedule. When adding nutrients to your water - apply every other watering. The vegetative state likes more nitrogen, and the flowering stage likes more phosphates and less nitrogen.

7. Provide A Superior Growing Environment. Temperature, humidity, air circulation, and personal attention are all vital areas that can make for a most stress-free growing environment (or not). Work to keep these consistent. Play music for your plants and have a mild breeze pass around the room during certain hours. Invest in their happiness, and you will prosper greatly in your future satisfaction.

8. DO NOT Harvest Too Early. This can be tough. Be patient, you have waited and nurtured them for this long. Your plants can probably gain weight by waiting too. Wait until 50% of the pistils have turned brown, and you know you won't be early. You can also harvest them from the bottom or top over a couple of days based on bud appearance to get them at their most mature.