My name is Samantha and I was born and raised in Los Angeles. 

I partially grew up in foster care and experienced culture clash and separation anxiety as well as contending with my mother’s diagnosis of schizophrenia. I fell into depression as a teen and coped in several ways, many of which were unhealthy. 

After graduating high school I spiraled and began abusing methamphetamine. During my time running the streets of L.A. and eventually Ventura County an acquaintance suggested I get a medical marijuana card to “ balance out”. After a couple years of complete delusion and burning several bridges I began using cannabis to try and break the vicious cycle of my addiction. 

I had a few relapses but was eventually finding that the cannabis was treating my anxiety as well as helping me get clean from narcotics. Also, it significantly improved my depression instead of the spurts of false euphoria caused by the methamphetamine. 

I continue to “self medicate” in order to keep my anxiety at bay and to subsist my long battle with depression. I can confidently say that cannabis has brought me a long way as I’m now able to care for my two children and keep a maintained house compared to before when I could barely find the motivation and energy to care for myself. 

I am sharing my story because like many others cannabis has helped me overcome my narcotic addiction without any significant side effects and continues to aide my anxiety and depression. I believe people should have a safe treatment alternative to pharmaceuticals that often have dramatic side effects.