As a healthcare ambassador and legal nurse consultant, my experience in palliative care can be challenging in a setting that relies on medical journal studies. In this case, the patient centered outcome is defining “anecdotal” in such a compelling narrative that it is providing HOPE to Parkinson’s Disease researchers and families.
Today our blog will share the story of “Ride with Larry”, a man who influenced change in South Dakota through his Parkinson’s Disease prognosis.
Here’s what we know about PD.
Parkinson's disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement. Symptoms start gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. Tremors are common, but the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement.
Now let’s meet Jimmy Castillo, the founder of Jenny’s Rose.
What is your personal story and mission that motivated you to work with cannabis?
My journey began in 2008 when my sister, Jennifer Rose Castillo, was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She asked me to help her find a product that could provide any relief. What started as a research query, ultimately became my vocation. My sister, through her battle, would eventually pass in 2010 even though I managed to dramatically help her discomfort. At that moment, the path felt unfinished and I followed the pull to dive deeper to help as many people as possible.
In the 2010s, I ran a Prop 215 dispensary out of San Diego that focused on 1:1 consultation with people, largely with various ailments. Many of them came to me from a mindset that they've tried everything and as a last resort heard that cannabis might work.

We would spend hours on end, with each consultation, working directly with the person, providing custom formulations for each session, modifying with the next iteration, and eventually finding comfort among many other positive results.
I feel blessed to have been able to sit with each of these individuals to learn so much about life, about the endocannabinoid system, and about the molecular compounds within this plant.
Over that decade, my passion for helping others to find relief from chronic discomfort, and greater enjoyment of life, became my obsession. I ended up working with hundreds of affected individuals to find and develop the best strains, extraction processes, and delivery mechanisms for treating the human physiological condition. One or two of them just so happened to go viral and that was very inspiring.
These days, I'm a part of the leadership team at Jenny's Rose, a scientific mind in the picture to help build something that is much bigger than just me or my story. Something that can touch the likes of countless individuals around the globe, but started with my sister, who became our namesake.
Our team is composed of experts in the industry, all with various backgrounds and pedigree. We are unified to create amazing products that are unique and developed with the best ingredients. Our journey has just begun, but already we are finding ourselves organically and patient testimonials continually reinforce we are on the right path.
What kind of cannabis research is needed that has not been covered yet?
Wow, what a great question. I'm sure there are many who are charging, but not enough. We are a part of a movement that is snowballing over time. There are so many more documented efforts that are available today than a decade ago.
Our entire team is grateful for anyone who's taken the initiative to research the health benefits of cannabis and publish their findings. We see cannabis research as something to answer all of the unknowns about the plant.
The clinical studies and papers have a direction, but there is not fully conclusive publicly available data which we acknowledge takes years to accomplish, funding, and extensive energy.
Would Jenny’s Rose be interested in joining clinical research for a university? If so, what university would be an ideal research partnership.
Absolutely, we'd love to promote the future of our industry with university based research. It's about helping people for us and we'd love to talk with any research organizations interested.
We've even spoken to a few leading researchers to date who said it might be early for their teams/university, but we are seeing the path begin to emerge and would love to continue to explore this as a part of our journey. We look forward to when the opportunity and right lab arises.

What do you see as some challenges to brand marketing in California?
There are two big ones we see. One is with general regulation, and the other is specific to access points in California.
There still is a long way for companies who wish to pursue the ability to to make a claim. We believe this can be changed with more in-depth clinical studies with a higher pedigree of researchers, solid promotion of the study, and federal de-scheduling. When this comes to fruition it will totally transition the existing market.
In the past, California had a market that made progress since the 2000s on medical options for those who were seeking it. A medical cannabis card could be issued and allowed for an affordable and readily available market.
Since the new regulations 2018 our team watched the market distance itself from medical products with shelf space priority towards recreational products that now included a cost increase to the customer of excise and sales taxes.
Where the market improved was in quality standards, third party lab testing, and general organization. However, medical products became less abundant on the shelves. This also coincides with the number of retail outlets being sufficiently less than back in the day. Last I recall, ballpark numbers there were over three thousand Prop 215 medical retail outlets in 2017, compared to about one thousand retail outlets. We do think delivery will help to transform this, but as the state "grows it's hair out," we're still at an awkward stage.
Where do you see Jenny’s Rose in the next 5 years?
The universe knows and our team is excited to explore the path for a long time to come. We are having a good time passionately doing what we do. We feel we are good at it, and most importantly, we're all here with an aligned mindset to make an impact.
Jenny's Rose has been around for about two years now and the team on hand operated mainly behind the scenes finding our path quietly. We did this on purpose. Our intellectual property was in the works, our supply chain was being developed, and our team was getting to know each other for the grand journey ahead.
So far, our intellectual property portfolio has a well-developed and trademarked global brand, we've been issued three patents on unique extraction and formulation, with many more patents that are pending or filed. Our supply chain in California has run a beta-test to supply a handful of hand-selected partner shops to gather the feedback.
We're on the cusp of offering direct to consumer sales compliantly to California through our website. We've also had many meetings, events, and opportunities globally that have crossed our team's path. We've gotten to know each other well through vetting these opportunities and come to appreciate how we move as an organization.
We believe in the next five years we'll be a globally impacting organization with many more patents and making an impact on patients everywhere.

For dispensary buyers unfamiliar with Jenny’s Rose how can they contact your distribution in California?
Any dispensary who wants Jenny's Rose on their shelves can send an email to We'll ensure a response from our team within 24-72 hours, maybe even quicker.
Any consumer that wants Jenny's Rose in their area, can fill out our "Request Us in Your Hometown" form directly on our website.
Contact info.
Instagram: Jennysrose_llc